On-the-job training comes to an end
On 15 April the IPB student vocational training project was supported by PT. Bina Desa came to an end.
Training certificates
The trainees were given certificates for their on-the-job training.
[The outdoor training program]
The trainees practiced natural cultivation from the normal state of the garden to weed cutting, stone removal, soil preparation, making ridges, sowing seeds, and cultivation.
The initial state of the land. Weeds are deeply rooted and overgrown, and there are many stones, so it is impossible to cultivate as it is.
The weeds are cut, stones are removed and the soil is prepared with a tractor.
In the beginning, the students were confused by the manual cultivation of the land, as in the regular campus training and at other field training sites, the training was carried out on farmland that was already cultivated.
The greenhouse where the training took place
[Training at the office]
In the practical training at our office, the participants learned how to make cultivation plans using spreadsheets, budgeting, financial management using online multilingual ERP software, marketing, editing a guide to natural farming, and managing an agricultural business.
Editing the Guide to Natural Cultivation
On 30 March, the first edition of the Guide to Natural Cultivation (40 pages, in Indonesian) was also completed.
Certificate of Training Instructor
On 5 April, Dr Yusalina, the supervisor of the seminar at the university, visited us and praised us, saying that it was wonderful that the trainees were able to experience soil cultivation from scratch, and gave us a certificate as a practical training supervisor.
Impressions of the trainees
On the last day of the training, we asked the trainees what they thought of the training and they replied: 'The training period of about three months passed in a flash. Thank you for patiently teaching us until we understood. I would like to visit again at harvest time."
The following is a thank-you card made by the trainees to express their gratitude to everyone who helped them.